The idea of dating a housemate might seem taboo to some, but for me, it turned out to be the best decision I ever made. I had been living with my housemate for a few months when we both realized there was a strong attraction between us. What started as innocent flirting quickly escalated into a passionate, steamy affair. I never would have expected that my best sex ever would be with someone I shared a roof with, but it just goes to show that sometimes the most unexpected connections can be the most fulfilling.

I never expected to form such a deep connection with my housemate, but the unexpected intimacy we share has been unforgettable. Our late-night conversations and shared laughter have brought us closer in ways I never thought possible. It's like we were meant to be in each other's lives. If you're looking for a meaningful connection, sometimes it's right under your nose. And if you're looking for love and intimacy, check out plus size dating apps to find someone who appreciates you for who you are.

The Build Up

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The sexual tension between my housemate and I had been brewing for a while before anything actually happened. We would often catch each other stealing glances, and our conversations became increasingly flirtatious. The anticipation of what could happen between us was almost unbearable at times, but looking back, I think that's what made it all the more exciting. It felt like we were playing a game of cat and mouse, each of us trying to resist the inevitable pull towards each other.

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The First Time

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When we finally gave into our desires, it was nothing short of electrifying. The first time we had sex was spontaneous and passionate. There was a sense of urgency and longing that made it all the more intense. Being with someone who knew me so well on a personal level added an extra layer of intimacy to the experience. It was like we were finally able to fully express our feelings for each other in the most primal way possible.

The Comfort of Familiarity

One of the things that made the sex with my housemate so incredible was the comfort of familiarity. We already knew each other's quirks and habits, so there was no need for any awkward small talk or trying to impress each other. We were able to be completely open and vulnerable with each other, which only added to the intensity of our connection. There was a level of trust and understanding that allowed us to explore each other's bodies without any reservations.

The Frequency

One of the perks of having an affair with my housemate was the frequency of our encounters. We didn't have to worry about scheduling time to see each other or finding a place to meet up. We could simply indulge in our desires whenever the mood struck, whether it was in the kitchen, the living room, or even our own bedrooms. The spontaneity of our encounters made it all the more thrilling and satisfying.

The Discretion

Despite our close living quarters, we were able to keep our affair under wraps. We didn't want our other housemates to know about our relationship, so we made sure to be discreet about our activities. It added an element of secrecy and excitement to our encounters, knowing that we had to be mindful of not getting caught. It almost felt like we were teenagers sneaking around, which only added to the thrill of it all.

The Aftermath

As with any affair, there were moments of doubt and uncertainty about the future of our relationship. We were both aware that our living situation added a layer of complexity to our affair, and we had to navigate through the potential consequences of our actions. Ultimately, we both agreed that our connection was worth the risk, and we continued to explore our desires with each other.

In conclusion, having an affair with my housemate turned out to be the best sex I've ever had. The familiarity, comfort, and spontaneity of our encounters made it all the more thrilling and fulfilling. It goes to show that sometimes the most unexpected connections can lead to the most intense and satisfying experiences. If you find yourself in a similar situation, don't be afraid to explore the possibilities. You never know where it might lead.